Friday, October 30, 2009

Boone, NC :: Ship Rock

I especially like this photo because I'm pretty sure I squint when I look at it. I give you permission to stare at the sun. Just this one. Try if you dare. This particular evening we hiked up in a furious gust of wind, but the payoff was priceless. Mountain sides of luminous color challenged our previous perception of reality. Seriously, it was gorgeous. Today, most of the color is gone. We are heading into winter and all I've got to remind me of those colors is this post... well, and a few other photos. Maybe if you ask I'll put up another.
Due to requests I've selected two more photos to post. There is always some sort of journey on your way to adventure and the first photo shows my friend Chad working through the underside of the beauty you see in photo two. Photo two was taken after the sun had dipped below the mountain to the left and the remaining light caused the trees to glow in a strange and beautiful way.


  1. i'll ask: will you please put up another? and another? and another? we missed the fall this year so we have to live through your camera lens!

  2. and another, and another, and another.....keep them coming dear SIL. :-)


    Your MIL

  3. Requests! I love comments and requests. And from two of my most faithful readers as well.
    If only one of you had asked I would have obliged.
    Check back in the next day or so for an update to this post!

    Thank you for enjoying the photographs :)

  4. Do you have any images of Ship Rock from a distance? Can you tell me roughly where it is in relationship to Grandfather Mt and Boone?

  5. did that hurt your eyes?! taking those shots make me so paranoid


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